Transport for London’s Direct Vision Standard (DVS)

Just a quick email to give you an update on Transport for London’s Direct Vision Standard (DVS) should any of your fleet still require permits to enter Greater London from 1st March.

90 Day Grace Period

TFL have this week announced a 90 day grace period to support operators who have ordered DVS systems ahead of the 1st March enforcement date that are now experiencing delays in supply and fitting.
Operators will still need to order their DVS systems and apply for permits prior to March 1 and prove they have both purchased products and have a fitting organized. This will then allow operators with an additional 90 days to complete fitment.

For further details please see

If you require any further information on DVS or require prices for further systems please feel free to reply to this email or give me a call on 0121 695 9195 (Option 1). Alternatively we have produced a handy ‘What you need to know about DVS’ guide which can be viewed here.

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